Innovalia Metrology has participated at Euromold in Frankfurt (Germany), which ran from 25th to 28th November 2014. Located in Hall 8.0, Stand B48, Innovalia Metrology presented the latest metrology solutions and products. The visitors discovered M3 portable, a high definition standalone 3D scanning system and Optiscan, whose unique design allows the integration into any system for both laboratory and in-line manufacturing.

Innovalia metrologyの今年1年の目標は、お客様のニーズに沿ったトレーニング研修とウェビナーで、計測に関する知識のアップデートのお手伝いと、Metromeet計測会議で寸法計測業界の最新情報に触れる機会を提供することです。 トレーニング研修...