Innovalia hosts the annual I4MS meeting of the European initiative in Madrid hand in hand with the European Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness
The I4MS initiative (ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) of the European Commission is one of the European networks and has started its Phase 1 in July 2013 and continued with Phase 2 in autumn 2015 (total funding nearly 110 Mn EUR) with the aim to support SMEs and mid-caps in the manufacturing sector along three dimensions: Provide access to competences that can help in assessing, planning and mastering the digital transformation. Provide access to innovation networks of a broad spectrum of competences and best practice examples and provide financial support to SMEs and mid-caps on the demand and the supply side to master the digital transformation.
The basic idea is to enable and foster the collaboration of manufacturing SMEs and mid-caps across their value chains through the help of European competence centers/innovation hubs (such as HPC centers, top universities, application oriented research organizations) in predominantly cross-border experiments to create a win-win situation for all actors.
The Digital Innovation Hubs’ European event taking place in Madrid on the 22nd of September will showcase the achievements and next steps in the implementation of the pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), which is one of the key pillars of the Digitalizing European Industry Strategy.
Innovalia is one of the most significant figures in the initiative and the event because it is the coordinator of the event and is actively involved in the European IHL network.
Thanks to the excellence center that Innovalia has the AIC (Automotive Intelligence Center) the group’s metrological unit can offer advanced digitalization and quality control services incorporating advanced technology based on industrial IoT and Big Data.
In particular, the event will take stock of the European initiatives I4MS (ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) and SAE (Smart Anything Everywhere), which play a key role in the development of the network of DIHs. Different hubs and SMEs will present their experiences and success stories, providing practical information on how to set up, reinforce and network DIHs. Building on this exchange of best practices and experiences, representatives from Member & Associated States, European initiatives and other relevant actors will also explore how to reinforce the network of DIHs beyond 2020.
Innovalia, the European Commission (DG Connect), and the Spanish Ministry (MINECO) are the organizers of the event, which will take place back to back with the 1er Congreso de Industria Conectada 4.0 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, celebrated in Madrid on the 21st September.

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