The Z-Fact0r project was launched in 2016 within the European research initiative Horizon 2020 and its main objective is to ensure greater quality and productivity in the European manufacturing industry. The project lasts 42 months and is divided into four phases that include the following types of activities: R & D, integration and validation, demonstration activities and project management. With 13 partners and headquarters in the EU, the consortium has extensive experience in cutting-edge technologies and active presence in EU manufacturing.
Datapixel, a company belonging to Innovalia Metrology, is one of the main members of the project that is identifying zero defects strategies in the management of online production for European factories. Likewise, last week he organized a meeting to monitor and control the development of the project at the AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center. This meeting ended with the presentation of the M3 technology in the R & D laboratory that Innovalia Metrology has in the centre, seeing in situ the operation of the laser and the measurement systems.
At this meeting, a visit was made to the facilities at NECO-Tivoly Group in Elorrio, partner of the project and for which Datapixel is designing a solution for the massive collection of top quality data.
The Z-Fact0r project, thanks to each phase, will be able to introduce predictive and preventive systems to guarantee a better production quality in European industry.

M3 Hybrid: Innovalia Metrology’s Solution to Optimize Quality Control Processes
The precision and quality of the final products largely depend on the accuracy of measurements and the ability of measurement equipment to perform them in the most efficient and precise manner possible. And this is precisely what Innovalia Metrology brings with its M3...